Lip enhancementLip enhancement, restoring fullness or shape to the lips, is most commonly achieved by treatment with injection of hyaluronic acid based gel fillers, such as Juvederm , or with fat injections.
Lip enhancement may be appropriate for someone looking to rejuvenate an aging appearance of the lips, or to improve the appearance of naturally thin lips. By restoring fullness to the lips, lipstick bleed lines or the vertical lines around the lip line may also be dramatically improved. Results often last up to or over a year. In general, maintaining your appearance requires re-injection after 6 to 12 months. Results with fat injection may be permanent. |
Chirurgia Estetica, Addominoplastica, Blefaroplastica, Face lift, Lifting cosce, Liposuzione e liposcultura, Mastopessi, Mastoplastica additiva, Mastoplastica riduttiva, Mini addominoplastica, Otoplasticaa, Rimodellamento labbra, Contatto, Curriculum Dr. Trinei |